Tuesday, October 18, 2005

On The Menu

Breakfast is a serving of Fruit Loops and 1% milk - 250 cal.
Lunch will probably be soup or nothing at all.
Dinner is tuna steaks - 170 cal.
Side dish : Garlic & olive oil vVermicelli with baby clams - 460 cal.
Drinks: Water - 0 cal.
Total so far: 250 cal.

Sunday, July 31, 2005


Think I will make another Xanga site specially for baby after he is born. *lol* He is going to have Premium while his mommy is stuck with just normal Xanga. Bleh. $100 for his lifetime? Why not.

* Sean Paul needs to out another album.
* Got Hilary Duff's "Little Voice" song stuck in my head.
* Finished the Chronicles Trilogy of Dragonlance (Weeeeeee Fizban!!!)
* Waking up uber sleepy still, yet nauseous because you got overhungry while sleeping sucks a lot of ass.
* Been tired often this entire week, so maybe body is storing up energy for coming day!

Are Sean and I quite possibly the only oldbie Prophecy players left who are still together? (Pfft and they thought I was with him because I was power hungry, they would never recognize soul love even if it came up and slapped them in the face with an overlarge fish ... jerks) While reading Liv's blog, I am left thinking ... wow end of an era. I must admit, even though I never liked Ray, we never got along, I wanted to stay positive because I knew she loves him so much. Well, loved. It was something unfaltering, something that was always there for me to look to, I look up to her. She shares the same birthday as me lol but that is besides the point. She is extremely intelligent, diligent, very much caring and warm-hearted ... maybe things I never see in myself ever. As much as I dislike hypocrites and fake people, I wonder if I am just the same. This woman has no pretense, at least as far as I can tell *grin*

On the other hand, I feel that I -have- to be nice to people sometimes because that is what society commands of us. What if I do not feel like being nice? Then all of a sudden I am an uber bitch and everyone abandons me. Take the Linkshell drama for instance, I was chided that the difference between me and Madamex is that people flock to her because she is "Nice" and "Genuinely cares", so apparently I do not. Ah water under the bridge, but I still wonder at the hilarity of it all, because yet again people have judged me before they even understand or try to get to know me. It seems that society has bred us to conform and be molded to whatever other people want us to be. Well, this is the society I was brought up in, and nothing more. I thought individualism was in solid existence here in the US, maybe I was wrong. Seems the same to me.

This is probably why I choose self-exile and hermit myself in my house, refusing to speak to anyone even on AIM or MSN and for some reason, it is comforting oft times. Even when I was back in KL, I remember my sister asking me why I used to hole myself in my room for hours at a time in isolation. This is the reason why. Sometimes we just need to recharge our batteries, some people meditate, I read about other realms and other people's lives and adventures to get away from my own mundane, colorless existence. That is why most people play games, it is why I play online games. However, unfortunate as it seems, the "drama" and frustrations of society have intermingled into this "online world" as well. I would rather have my books, with no one telling me what to do and I can feel about a certain character as I please. It is a pleasant thing that Sean both appreciates and understands as well as embraces this planned "hermitism" with enthusiasm because he probably feels the same way about most people. We open our eyes eventually. I would love to believe that I am a nice person, but much of this is biased by friends who have tried to understand me, for that I truly am thankful and love you for it. My honest opinion of myself however, self-esteem aside, is that I truly, undoubtedly suck as a friend.

This is why I have so few people I really deem "friends" deep in my heart, this is so I can focus on one or two and give my whole heart to them. Despite the fact that we seldom talk (probably my fault again) Olivia is definitely one of them. And another thing ... why do I feel guilty if I do not message people every now and then to say Hi? Pah. Confused, irritated and hurting ...

* If I seem grouchy it is definitely due to the fourth "fact" about sleep as stated above.

-- Experimenting with Blogger.